Employee spotlight:
Anna Vahromejeva

London-based Anna Vahromejeva offers an insight into her work, life, motivations and aspirations in the latest of LoopMe’s employee spotlights.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m Anna, a Creative Manager here at LoopMe. Originally from Riga, Latvia, I studied digital design and started my career in the North East of Scotland. After a solid eight years there, I eventually moved to London, where all the buzz is. My Scottish stint left me with a profound appreciation for the weather in the South of England. After all, I spent a quarter of my life in a place where summer was more of a myth than a season. I started in the Marketing Team as a brand designer, and after a few fun years of polishing our brand to a fine sheen, I moved over to the in-house Creative Studio. I wanted new challenges and to work with a wider range of brands. Now, as a manager of our talented team of designers, I oversee the various fantastic campaigns that come our way.

What project or event has been your favourite to work on at LoopMe?
When it comes to projects, I’ve been involved in developing many exciting mobile ad campaigns. However, my most unforgettable project at LoopMe hails from my early days in Marketing. During my first year, I was tasked with designing assets for the AI Conference at the British Museum. Watching my digital concept come to life and transform the entire space was pretty amazing. As the team’s resident photographer, I also captured images of the event, giving me full control over the visual narrative. It was a great experience, and the design for the AI Conference the following year was even better, as by then I knew every corner of the space.

Can you discuss a skill you’ve acquired or developed while working at LoopMe?
I’ve picked up quite a few skills during my time at LoopMe, but multitasking is the one that really stands out. Managing a team of six in the whirlwind of the media world has taught me the fine arts of prioritization, time management, negotiation and delegation. The main rule? Be honest about what can actually be done, and keep the team updated regularly. And don’t underestimate the power of to-do lists. With all the daily distractions and questions that crop up, adding new tasks to lists throughout the day is the only way to stay on top of it.

Do you have any WFH routines or rituals?
Before my time at LoopMe, I worked as a freelance designer and illustrator, and concentration was never an issue for me. Without anyone to distract me, I actually find myself more focused at home than in the office. I’m lucky to have a separate office room, and as soon as I step in, it’s work mode. While many articles suggest wearing office attire at home to get in the right mindset, I take the opposite approach. I wear my comfiest pyjamas to stay as cozy as possible. If I’m not distracted by hunger or cold, nothing can stop my productivity!

Do you have any hobbies?
Like many creatives, drawing is my side gig. I used to sketch a lot, but these days my paper pad sees more action as a coaster than a canvas. Still, there’s always some paper lying around, and I keep my art supplies close at hand. I also love reading, mostly fiction, because it feeds my imagination rather than just providing information. Hiking is another passion of mine. When I lived in Scotland, my partner and I spent every summer weekend exploring the Highlands. We’ve also tackled the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal, the Leh Ladakh Bike Trip in India, and climbed Mount Fuji in Japan. Our next goal is the Mont Blanc Circuit.

If you could invite any public figure to dinner, who would you choose and why?
For my dream dinner, I’d love to invite Robert Sapolsky, the American neuroscientist. He’d make the night so interesting. I’ve been glued to his talks and even got one of his books. Hearing him explain how our brains work and why animals do what they do is fascinating. I’ve always liked science, but sometimes it gets too complicated for me. But Sapolsky is great at making even the trickiest things easy to understand. Plus, he seems like a really kind guy, and I admire kindness in people. I’ve got plenty of cool stuff to chat about with him, so it’d be a super fun dinner, for sure!

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White paper: PurchaseLoop Audiences: not your average look-alike…

In our rapidly evolving media, economic, and political landscape, the performance of audience targeting is a critical driver of campaign success. This performance is under consistent strain from the significant changes in consumer media behavior and the limited available signals to reach target audiences due to government legislation and platform privacy policies.

As a result, traditional audience-building and optimization methods often struggle to keep pace with the needs of modern marketers, while advanced solutions like artificial intelligence (AI) are setting new benchmarks for what’s possible.

In this paper we compare AI-powered audience modeling with traditional look-alikes, analyzing performance, privacy, and more.

White paper: Optimizing reach for more effective brand outcomes

When navigating the current media environment which is characterized by fragmentation and diverse consumer behaviors, the challenge for brands is to effectively reach audiences in a way that drives not only awareness, but also brand loyalty, consideration and ultimately brand outcomes.

In this paper, we outline:

  • Strategies for optimizing reach to achieve scalable outcomes
  • The importance of media placement
  • The impact of frequency and creative on the effectiveness of brand advertising campaigns

Data cited in this paper was leveraged from a survey of 28,047 respondents conducted using LoopMe’s PurchaseLoop Audiences.

Exclusive audience segments based on the profile of survey respondents are available in LoopMe’s DSP and via LiveRamp.

To use these audiences in your campaigns, please contact us.