Lead inventor Yuliia Loktionova shares why LoopMe’s Brand Outcome Scores solution will revolutionise how marketers plan and execute campaigns

The fragmentation of the media system has changed how brand advertisers connect with consumers and increased the complexity of measuring campaign performance. With WARC’s latest forecast predicting that global ad spend will increase to $1.7 trillion in 2024, how do brand advertisers identify the best way to maintain market share?

Marketers need clear visibility of which ad impressions are driving brand awareness, consideration and purchase intent. Increasingly, more media tools are enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI), enabling advertisers to more effectively measure the outcome of their ad spend. 

LoopMe’s first-of-its-kind AI-powered media scoring tool provides advertisers with predictive scoring for their ad buys at both the programmatic bid-request and impression level. Using contextual, geographic, and temporal-based machine learning models for its predictions, marketers can more effectively plan and execute their campaigns across mobile video, CTV, and display ads. Brand Outcome Scores enables marketers to drive superior results without the need for cookies or other user identifiers. 

Our primary goal with the Brand Outcome Scores solution is to ensure that brands only buy the ad requests that matter.

With 12 years of heritage in AI and two patents pending for the Brand Outcome Scores solution, LoopMe continues to find solutions to unsolved industry challenges.

By Yuliia Loktionova – Director, Data Science

Employee spotlight:
Will White

Will White, a Talent Partner based in London, features in the latest of LoopMe’s employee spotlights.

Why did you decide to join LoopMe?
Before joining LoopMe, I knew I wanted to be part of a business that is going through immense growth. The prospect of being tasked with establishing a brand-new tech hub in Poland from day one was very exciting to me. Looking back after two years in the role, it’s been incredibly rewarding to see that office grow and succeed.

Why did you decide to work in this industry?
I had no idea what adtech was before I joined LoopMe, but since day one it’s completely blown me away. The industry is rapidly evolving and expanding, offering numerous opportunities for career advancement and personal development too. 

What motivates you to come to work?
I love the social aspect of Talent Partnering – every day there’s a new challenge and the team I have around me help push me to my full potential. I get to work with colleagues from across the world on number-one priority roles that have led to the innovation of some really exciting new areas in the business such as CTV. 

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I grew up in Crystal Palace in South London. Something people may not know about me is that my first language is Portuguese, although the moustache might be a giveaway. I have a huge passion for travel – I’m currently trying to tick off having visited 30 different countries by the time I’m 30 (I have 8 more countries and 2 more years). I also love photography and spend most weekends getting out and about taking pictures.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?
As my entire extended family lives in Lisbon, Portugal has always been at the top of my list. The sunny weather would beat living in London.

What has been your greatest achievement in the last year?
It’s hard to pinpoint one specific achievement I am most proud of, but winning the Looper of the Year award felt like all the hard work paid off. I’m also really proud of the fact that I’ve been able to work with every department and team in one capacity or another. Last but not least I’m proud that I’m usually the last one standing at team socials.

Interested in joining the LoopMe team? Visit our careers page.

Employee spotlight:
Nastia Shchepetkova

As part of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights feature Ukrainian employees, who tell us more about themselves and share their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022.

What is your role at LoopMe?
I have just started a new role as a Programmatic Account Manager. Before that I was a Campaign Manager for three years.

How has your experience at LoopMe been throughout your time here overall, and especially with everything going on?
From my first day at LoopMe, I could see how talented and technically skilled everyone was. Now I know that my colleagues are not only talented but they are also as brave and strong as Ukraine! For me, LoopMe is one of the companies that has really stepped up to support its Ukrainian employees. We really appreciate it, especially during these tough times.

How has the war on Ukraine affected your work life / role / time in the office?
Work-life balance has turned into a war/work-life balance. I honestly love coming into the office every day because of the amazing people and atmosphere we have created here. It’s like a second home to me.

How have these almost 1000 days of full-scale invasion changed you?
It has fully changed me. My dad joined the army and became a defender. It’s now my turn to step up and support my family, especially my mom. I have learned about different types of rockets and how to distinguish the sounds of defense rockets. I have also improved my skills in tactical medicine and faced some mental health challenges, which I’m working through. Most importantly, I’ve learned how to be an independent person.

How has the war impacted aspects of daily life that people may take for granted?
I know it’s hard to imagine that we see rockets in the sky, and hear explosions day and night. After tough nights we wake up, have a cup of coffee, and go to the office (tired and sleepy but with a smile). Unfortunately, this is our reality now and it’s what we have adapted to.

Where do you find strength and inspiration in today’s Ukraine?
I find strength and inspiration in my family and everyday support network. Hanging out with my dog, who can be a bit crazy at times, is always a mood booster! Reading books and keeping up with my running routine has helped me stay motivated and balanced.

What’s the first thing you will do once the war is over?
Make some of my parents’ dreams come true. Hopefully, it will be soon.

What would you like your fellow Loopers to understand?
Every Ukrainian wants to be supported on a daily basis. Simple questions – like “How are you?” or “Are you safe?” – are important, not just because it’s polite to ask but because they give us a sense of support and understanding. It is a very tough time for all Ukrainians because we are defending our independence. Come to Ukraine and you’ll see how beautiful our country is.

More Ukraine Support Month employee spotlights:

Employee spotlight:
Kateryna Aleksakha

As part of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights feature Ukrainian employees, who tell us more about themselves and share their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022.

What is your role at LoopMe?
Team Lead, Campaign Management

How has your experience at LoopMe been throughout your time here overall, and especially with everything going on?
I started working at LoopMe right before the pandemic hit, and have been working here throughout the invasion. During these hard times, I’ve felt supported by my colleagues and the organization. The company has provided me with everything I need to get through these difficult times. I’m glad to be a part of LoopMe.

How has the war in Ukraine affected your work life / role / time in the office?
The war in Ukraine has certainly impacted our work-life balance. I moved from the war zone of Dnipro to Lviv, but now even that is unsafe. There are countless sleepless, stressful nights because of air raid alerts and shelling, but work has been a helpful distraction.

How have these almost 1000 days of full-scale invasion changed you?
I feel strong and resistant to stress but still battle with feeling anxious.

How has the war impacted aspects of daily life that people may take for granted?
The air alerts come randomly in the middle of the day or night where you have to drop everything and find shelter. Everything in the town shuts down during that time and there is a curfew every night. There are constant power outages, so you have to often leave where you are so find somewhere safe to stay. Your schedule is always adapting to the surroundings and circumstances.

Where do you find strength and inspiration in today’s Ukraine?
I find strength and inspiration in our defenders, volunteers and those who donate to support.

What’s the first thing you’ll do once the war is over?
I will visit all my family and friends.

What would you like your fellow Loopers to understand?
Sometimes Ukrainians can be reluctant to share how we’re feeling, and we are often tired – but we always appreciate your support.

More Ukraine Support Month employee spotlights:

Employee spotlight:
Anastasiia Pekun

As part of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights feature Ukrainian employees, who tell us more about themselves and share their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022.

What is your role at LoopMe?
I’m an Assistant Accountant.

How has your experience at LoopMe been throughout your time here overall, and especially with everything going on? The expertise and the opportunities I have access to here are greater than at my previous workplace. A significant advantage is the ability to work remotely during wartime and a fairly flexible schedule in general.

How has the war on Ukraine affected your work life / role / time in the office?
The war was one of the reasons why I changed my job. I needed to find a more stable job with prospects, and the Ukrainian job market could not offer such opportunities with the start of the full-scale invasion. At the same time, I had to rapidly develop as a specialist, acquiring new knowledge in order to become an employee of an international company like LoopMe, which was a huge advantage for me. As for the time spent in the office during the working day, there were times when after an air raid alarm, we would go up to the office a couple of minutes before a meeting was due to start.

How have these almost 1000 days of full-scale invasion changed you?
The war has changed each of us. I can definitely say that I am not the same carefree girl I was 3 years ago. All this is very difficult and has a cumulative effect, meaning that we now look at many things differently. For example, while watching an action movie and seeing how the main characters run away from explosions, I now realise that if this were real life the consequences would be completely different. The names of weapons, missiles and combat vehicles used to be distant, incomprehensible concepts. Now we not only recognise their sounds, but we also know what they look like and what they’re capable of.

How has the war impacted aspects of daily life that people may take for granted?
I’m trying to live my best years in the conditions of “make it before the curfew” and “make it before the power and water are turned off”. I never used to attach much importance to street lighting, or even the presence of electricity. But, when I returned home in the winter in complete darkness with a flashlight in my hands, or when I cooked food on a camping gas burner and slept under two blankets, simple things such as light and warmth became much more valuable. I really miss walking along the deserted streets at night, watching the sunrise, going to the forest with my family, or riding along the river on a motorboat. This isn’t possible any more: you can’t go outside from midnight to 5am; there might be mines in the forests; exiting boats onto open water is prohibited.

Where do you find strength and inspiration in today’s Ukraine?
In other people. I will never cease to be amazed at how strong our nation is. How strong our will is and what incredible things we can achieve even in war conditions. How we can live our lives to the fullest in spite of injuries, how we can reopen a store when the previous one burned down, how we can love people when our entire family died. It is a great gift to have this spirit, to be Ukrainian.

What’s the first thing you’ll do once the war is over?
At 3am I’ll get in the car and go to the Azov Sea to watch the sunrise. Sunrise without war, without suffering, without air raid alarms.

What would you like your fellow Loopers to understand?
I would really like each of us to come home to a place where there is a warm dinner, family, a beloved pet, conversations about how the day went and peace of mind to fall asleep without fear of not waking up. To appreciate it to the maximum. After all, my colleagues from Ukraine have undergone a global reassessment of values. As they say, “the most expensive things in the world are not things at all.” Appreciate each day you live, do not think that you have a draft of life, that everything can be fixed and be grateful for everything you have.

More Ukraine Support Month employee spotlights:

A message from LoopMe’s VP People

LoopMe’s VP People, Charlotte Forsyth, reflects on what 2024 has meant for LoopMe employees so far, highlighting career development, employee retention, and being named one of Campaign’s Best Places to Work for the second year in a row.

At LoopMe, one of our core values is We Do the Right Thing. We know how important career development is to our people, and I am thrilled that, having just wrapped up our H1 Promotion cycle, 28 employees have been promoted.

This is in addition to the 6 internal moves we have facilitated, as we support career moves sideways as well as upwards.

And it’s not just about developing and retaining our talent. We have also recruited 62 new employees already this year, taking us to over 350 people globally.

We’re delighted that employee retention continues to grow as we focus on supporting employees needs and their skills development.

Congratulations to all of our employees who have just been promoted and our Q2 internal award winners – it’s you who have made us one of Campaign’s Best Places to Work for the second year running.

Finally, we would like to welcome all our new employees – we are excited to see you succeed and grow too!

Interested in joining the LoopMe team? Take a look at our open vacancies.

Ukraine Support Month 2024

LoopMe stands with Ukraine, our colleagues and their families, as they continue to navigate the devastation of the Russian invasion. 

For the second consecutive year, LoopMe is dedicating the month of August to show our support for both Ukraine and our Ukrainian team members.

From fundraising activities to celebrations of Ukrainian culture, LoopMe employees worldwide will be taking part in various initiatives as we collectively show our support. 

We are in awe of our Ukrainian team – their resilience and dedication. 

Slava Ukraini!

LoopMe разом з Україною, нашими колегами та їхніми родинами, які продовжують долати руйнування, спричинені російським вторгненням.

Другий рік поспіль LoopMe в серпні демонструє свою підтримку Україні та нашим українським співробітникам.

Від заходів зі збору коштів до проведення заходів, присвячених українській культурі, співробітники LoopMe по всьому світу візьмуть участь у різних ініціативах, щоб колективно продемонструвати нашу підтримку.

Ми захоплюємося нашою українською командою – їхньою стійкістю та відданістю справі. 

Слава Україні!

As part of this initiative, some of LoopMe’s Ukrainian employees shared their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022:

Employee spotlight:
Brian O’Hare

Brian O’Hare, a Sales Director based in New York, offers an insight into his professional motivations and family life.

Why did you decide to join LoopMe?
I had worked on the agency side of the business for longer than I’d like to admit. Having worked with LoopMe in the past, I was always impressed with the tech’s ability to drive results and provide a deeper level of insight than other partners I had worked with. Being that presenting the media plan to my clients was my favorite part of the agency life, moving over to LoopMe in a sales role was a natural next step.

What motivates you to come to work?
Aside from the people at LoopMe, being the health and pharma SME, I find a certain romance in utilizing LoopMe’s tech to help reach patients in need and potentially shorten the patient journey to proper treatment. Plus, I have a chance to nerd out on things like MQS and other aspects of the business I wouldn’t normally be exposed to.

Do you have any WFH routines or rituals?
Working from home with two kids under the age of 5 is chaotic, so I embrace it. My daughters have met most of my colleagues and clients via Zoom, which is always a welcomed distraction. Other than that, everyone is also familiar with my summer work space, my back yard. 

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m actually a bit boring. Youngest of three, grew up in Putnam, New York met my wife in NYC and now live in New Jersey. I have two beautiful daughters who keep me young and give me grey hair at the same time. 

What has been your greatest achievement in the last year?
My daughter was having a difficult time learning to swim without swimmies. So I had a nice moment with her explaining what “panic” is, and how to fight the feeling with trust. Amazingly enough, this 4-year-old understood the lesson and proceeded to swim across the pool without floats or any assistance for the first time! Professionally, I’ve taken on some mentees, and watching their growth and success continues to validate my approach to our crazy industry. 

Who would you consider your main role model and why?
Cheesy answer here but, my dad. He ran his own recruiting firm for over 40 years, O’Hare & Associates, and provided a great life for his family. He also taught me that “Character is what you do when no one is watching” which are words I’ve lived by since that driving lesson at 16 years old when I wanted to run a red arrow.

Thinking of becoming a Looper? Head over to our careers page.

LoopMe video series from Sport Beach 2024

As a partner of this year’s Stagwell Sport Beach in Cannes, LoopMe CRO Lisa Coffey had the opportunity to interview industry leaders from Quad, Spark Foundry and Stagwell.

These interviews are available for you to watch below.

Josh Lowcock, President of Media, Quad

We explored the fragmentation of media, brand spend in the mobile ecosystem, and the intersection of brand and performance advertising.

Lisa Giacosa, Chief Investment Officer, Spark Foundry

We discussed AI, the importance of data and ensuring relevance, and the increasing emphasis on consideration. 

Jon Schaaf, Global Chief Investment Officer, Stagwell Brand Performance Network

We analyzed the need for brand and performance to coexist, why we should have more standardized ways of measuring success, and the benefits of trading on outcomes.

Employee spotlight:
Anna Vahromejeva

London-based Anna Vahromejeva offers an insight into her work, life, motivations and aspirations in the latest of LoopMe’s employee spotlights.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m Anna, a Creative Manager here at LoopMe. Originally from Riga, Latvia, I studied digital design and started my career in the North East of Scotland. After a solid eight years there, I eventually moved to London, where all the buzz is. My Scottish stint left me with a profound appreciation for the weather in the South of England. After all, I spent a quarter of my life in a place where summer was more of a myth than a season. I started in the Marketing Team as a brand designer, and after a few fun years of polishing our brand to a fine sheen, I moved over to the in-house Creative Studio. I wanted new challenges and to work with a wider range of brands. Now, as a manager of our talented team of designers, I oversee the various fantastic campaigns that come our way.

What project or event has been your favourite to work on at LoopMe?
When it comes to projects, I’ve been involved in developing many exciting mobile ad campaigns. However, my most unforgettable project at LoopMe hails from my early days in Marketing. During my first year, I was tasked with designing assets for the AI Conference at the British Museum. Watching my digital concept come to life and transform the entire space was pretty amazing. As the team’s resident photographer, I also captured images of the event, giving me full control over the visual narrative. It was a great experience, and the design for the AI Conference the following year was even better, as by then I knew every corner of the space.

Can you discuss a skill you’ve acquired or developed while working at LoopMe?
I’ve picked up quite a few skills during my time at LoopMe, but multitasking is the one that really stands out. Managing a team of six in the whirlwind of the media world has taught me the fine arts of prioritization, time management, negotiation and delegation. The main rule? Be honest about what can actually be done, and keep the team updated regularly. And don’t underestimate the power of to-do lists. With all the daily distractions and questions that crop up, adding new tasks to lists throughout the day is the only way to stay on top of it.

Do you have any WFH routines or rituals?
Before my time at LoopMe, I worked as a freelance designer and illustrator, and concentration was never an issue for me. Without anyone to distract me, I actually find myself more focused at home than in the office. I’m lucky to have a separate office room, and as soon as I step in, it’s work mode. While many articles suggest wearing office attire at home to get in the right mindset, I take the opposite approach. I wear my comfiest pyjamas to stay as cozy as possible. If I’m not distracted by hunger or cold, nothing can stop my productivity!

Do you have any hobbies?
Like many creatives, drawing is my side gig. I used to sketch a lot, but these days my paper pad sees more action as a coaster than a canvas. Still, there’s always some paper lying around, and I keep my art supplies close at hand. I also love reading, mostly fiction, because it feeds my imagination rather than just providing information. Hiking is another passion of mine. When I lived in Scotland, my partner and I spent every summer weekend exploring the Highlands. We’ve also tackled the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal, the Leh Ladakh Bike Trip in India, and climbed Mount Fuji in Japan. Our next goal is the Mont Blanc Circuit.

If you could invite any public figure to dinner, who would you choose and why?
For my dream dinner, I’d love to invite Robert Sapolsky, the American neuroscientist. He’d make the night so interesting. I’ve been glued to his talks and even got one of his books. Hearing him explain how our brains work and why animals do what they do is fascinating. I’ve always liked science, but sometimes it gets too complicated for me. But Sapolsky is great at making even the trickiest things easy to understand. Plus, he seems like a really kind guy, and I admire kindness in people. I’ve got plenty of cool stuff to chat about with him, so it’d be a super fun dinner, for sure!

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