Anna Shabaieva

Employee spotlight: 
Anna Shabaieva

As part of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights feature Ukrainian employees, who tell us more about themselves and share their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022.

Who are you?

What is your name and role at LoopMe?
My name is Anna Shabaieva. I manage the team of Campaign Managers here at LoopMe.

Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy traveling and Petrykivka painting, a traditional Ukrainian decorative painting style.

What is your superpower?
I’m Ukrainian!

What is a place that you are most excited to visit in your lifetime?
I’d like to visit Alaska again, I was there 12 years ago and it’s forever in my heart.

Life in Ukraine

Can you talk about your experience the past 18 months?
It is very difficult to describe the war experience. We are watching how our country is being destroyed in real time and many people are dying every day. It’s very painful. Just as I’ve been writing this, we had a massive missile attack at night on the whole of Ukraine again. I woke up from a massive explosion at 4am. 

What do you want your team members outside of Ukraine to understand?
A big part of Ukraine is not occupied by Russia and we are trying to live normal life – but I’d like people to understand that the war has touched every family. We have Loopers who had to leave their jobs and join the army to defend our country; we have Loopers who are waiting for their husbands, brothers and fathers to come back to their families; and unfortunately we also have Loopers who already lost their loved ones.  

How do you feel supported by LoopMe?
I’ve been working at LoopMe for 7 years now, and Loopers have become a second family to me. It’s not just a job – it feels like home. 

Life at LoopMe  

Why did you decide to join LoopMe?
I wanted an opportunity to combine my professional expertise with my passion for making a difference. And I have it at LoopMe. 

Why did you decide to work in this industry?
I’ve always been passionate about marketing and advertising, and wanted to combine creative, analytical and technical skills. It’s always changing. It’s fast-paced and innovative. Every day is a little bit different.

What motivates you to come to work?
My team, the best people I know.

Photo of LoopMe's Artem Koscheev against a blue background

Employee spotlight: 
Artem Koscheev

As part of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights will feature Ukrainian employees, who tell us more about themselves and share their experiences of life in Ukraine since February 2022.

Who are you?

What is your name and job title?
My name is Artem Koscheev. I’m a Project Manager in the Data Science team.

What is your role at LoopMe?
My role at LoopMe is to help the Data Science team work effectively on planned projects with no miscommunication between teams.

Do you have any hobbies?
Oh! A lot! Right now I am focused on reading (I prefer sci-fi and fantasy) and board games (and I’m not talking about Monopoly or Alias).

What is your superpower?
Well. As a normal Ukrainian guy I have some not one. But my favorite is my communication superpower.

What is a place that you are most excited to visit in your lifetime?
Hard to say. As of now I’d like to visit the Highlands in Scotland.

Life in Ukraine

Can you talk about your experience the past 18 months?
For the past 18 months, I have been switching between my part-time job at LoopMe and military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a mobilized soldier in the Territorial Defence of the AFU, I took part in full-scale war in Ukraine, mostly in defence operations. While in service, I reached the rank of corporal according to the NATO classification. I was a detachment leader and an instructor. When I had free time, I spent it helping the Data Science team handle projects and communication with other LoopMe teams. My family stayed in Ukraine, so when I left the forces recently I was reunited with them. And I was very happy to see them again.

What do you want your colleagues outside of Ukraine to understand?
Disclaimer: I do not intend to blame, offend or criticize anybody at LoopMe. This is my personal opinion and message, and does not reflect the opinions or thoughts of other people.

What do I want you to understand? Everything is real. Ukraine and the people in Ukraine are living in a period of war. You read about these periods in history textbooks or in literature. Or maybe you watch them in TV series or movies. For me, all these stories have become reality. I do not want any of you to go through the same experience and to gain this level of understanding. Please just take into account that every day in Ukraine people are killed and injured intentionally and with the blessing of the people of the Russian Federation. And some of your colleagues or their families could be next.

Secondly, I’d like to talk about the emotional aspect of my previous point. For now the question ‘How are you?’ is no longer a polite way to begin a conversation. Be ready to hear the real feelings and thoughts of the person you’re talking to. To give you some context here, we do not have a lot of professional psychological help here due to our history and culture, so some emotional things might be thrown at you. Sometimes it will be enough just to hear an answer which differs from “I’m fine – and you?” and show your feelings or attitude towards the situation. And that’s it. Let’s say it is a Ukrainian part of cultural diversity in LoopMe.

And, lastly, keep in mind that some basic needs here could be unavailable. I mean, rockets are still falling on our homes, so we might be having trouble sleeping, or with our gas, water or electricity supplies, or even suffering with our health. This does not lead to a lot of positive emotions, to be honest. As far as I can tell, we try to avoid bringing these problems to the office, but sometimes we just can’t. If you need to speak with someone in the Ukraine office, please check to see if there have been any strikes in the area.

How do you feel supported by LoopMe?
First of all, LoopMe still gives me a job! It is an amazing thing! Also the people I work with – my team and my manager – give me a lot of emotional support. And I think that’s an authentic part of LoopMe’s business culture. So thank you, LoopMe, for that.

Life at LoopMe

Why did you decide to join LoopMe?
“I was young and I needed money” LoopMe needed a person with good communication skills and a background in both analytics and project management, so I thought why not.

Why did you decide to work in this industry?
There are not many ways to earn a middle class income in Ukraine without dealing with corrupt authorities. IT is one of them.

What motivates you to come to work?
The people around me motivate me to come to work. As well as the interesting, challenging things that happen every day.

LoopMe logo in white over an image of the Ukraine flag

Ukraine Support Month

LoopMe stands with Ukraine, our colleagues and their families, as they continue to navigate the devastation of the Russian invasion. In an effort to support our Ukrainian team members, LoopMe has launched Ukraine Support Month starting August 1st.  Throughout the month we will show our support with various efforts around the globe to further the awareness of the situation in Ukraine. 

Each region will celebrate the Independence Day of Ukraine on August 24th commemorating the declaration of independence of 1991. The war against Ukraine started in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine, occupying the Crimean peninsula. On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an all-out military invasion. 

LoopMe continues to help our teams raise awareness through learning about Ukrainian culture and the experiences facing our colleagues. We salute the resilience and dedication of our Ukraine team. Slava Ukrani! 

LoopMe підтримує Україну, наших колег та їхні родини, поки вони продовжують долати руйнування, спричинені російським вторгненням. З метою підтримки членів нашої української команди, LoopMe запускає Місяць підтримки України, який розпочинається з 1 серпня. Протягом місяця ми демонструватимемо нашу підтримку різними зусиллями по всьому світу, щоб підвищити обізнаність про ситуацію в Україні.

Кожна область відзначатиме День Незалежності України 24 серпня на честь проголошення незалежності в 1991 році. Війна проти України почалася у 2014 році, коли Росія вторглася в Україну, окупувавши Кримський півострів. 24 лютого 2022 року Росія почала повномасштабне військове вторгнення.

LoopMe продовжує допомагати нашим командам, підвищуючи обізнаність, вивчаючи українську культуру та досвід з якими стикаються наші колеги. Ми пишаємося стійкістю та відданістю нашої української команди. Слава Україні!

As part of Ukraine Support Month, August’s employee spotlights feature Ukrainian LoopMe employees:

Read a recap of LoopMe’s Ukraine Support Month activities.