‘Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half’. John Wanamaker
We are pleased to share the results of our latest piece of consumer research, examining users’ purchase behaviour after viewing mobile video ads, in order to determine if the advertising users see is truly delivering brands value.
In partnership with independent consumer research company, Morar, LoopMe surveyed over 1000 mobile users in the US and UK, covering a range of demographics, regions, ages and genders, to explore whether mobile video ads were driving users along the path to purchase.
Q1 Have you ever watched a mobile video advert for a product and bought that product in store or online?
In total 55% of users had gone on to purchase a product after viewing a mobile video ad, (50% in the UK, 60 in the US), showing mobile video ads were often incredibly successful at delivering brand and advertiser messaging to consumers, and driving those users along the path to purchase.
However, this left 45% of users across both markets who did not feel compelled to buy products after being served mobile video ads.
Q2. If not why not? Answer all which apply:
1) I was not looking to buy the products advertised
2) Adverts are not relevant to me
3) The ads were intrusive and put me off buying
4) Other
This was the subject for the survey’s second question, which asked why users did not feel motivated to buy products either in store or online after seeing specific ads. The results here were significant, with 51% found to be not in market (averaged across both markets, with 47% of UK users and 54% of US users agreeing to this point) and 29% stating that the ad in question was not relevant to them personally. Furthermore, 21% of users across both markets stated that ads could sometimes feel intrusive or put them off buying entirely.
In the US younger audiences between 18-29 were much more likely to perceive ads as intrusive or annoyingly, whereas in the UK the age distinction was less clear cut, though older demographics were less likely to see ads as a nuisance.
Across both markets, men were 5% more likely to buy products after seeing mobile video ads, whereas female users were 7% less likely to see ads as intrusive or annoying.
What is clear from the results is that the format of video ads or the quality of the creative is not always the greatest influencing factor in ad effectiveness. If users do not feel that ads are relevant or if they have no desire to buy the product, then the ad will be wasted on them. It is therefore more important than ever that advertisers recognise that in order to achieve ROI from their advertising, campaigns are targeted to users who are in target audience and in market for their product.
To ensure your campaigns are reaching the right audiences, with the right ad at the right moment to deliver brand uplift, LoopMe have developed an intelligent brand optimizer, PurchaseLoop, which uses artificial intelligence to improve uplift across brand metrics in real-time.
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Download the full research here.